Monday, November 06, 2006

Key Concepts at

Key Concepts

4/25/2004 – This is a short overview of ideas presented at Deeper overviews of specific subjects can be found as intros to each section of the site.


- Source of all creation
- Projects two aspects of itself: pure individuated consciousness, and
- Matter/energy
- Infuses matter/energy with fragments of its own consciousness
- Infinite intelligence exploring its infinite potential through an infinite variety of finite fragments allows individuated fragments to expand via learning until they unite with the whole
- Does not diminish in size when a fragment is created…the process is holographic replication
- Also called Creator, Source, the All

Soul and Spirit

Aggregates of conscious energy, holographic fragments of God
- Soul is “lifespark”; characterized by awareness and consciousness
- Spirit is “Godspark”; characterized by self-awareness and individualized consciousness
- Mineral, plant, animal, and human souls differ in complexity and level of individuality whereas minerals, plants, and animals are growing their souls, humans are developing their spirit
- In higher planes of reality, beings may exist without a physical body
- While occupying a physical body, genetics tend to match spirit/soul nature—if spirit or soul is present
- Large mismatches in genetics and soul frequency result in failure to incarnate properly
- Slight mismatches cause gradual mutations in one to accommodate the other; genetics change with soul growth and vice versa
- The developed human individual is composed of physical body, soul (etheric and astral body) and spirit (volitional and mental body)


Physical evolution is due to natural selection, random mutation, conscious selection, and conscious mutation
- Human evolution is mostly artificial; either DNA mutates to conform to alien soul frequency, or else DNA is artificially altered through advanced genetic engineering by certain alien factions
- Because body must match soul, the death of a species means loss of compatible bodies for purposes of reincarnation. Thus physical life seeks physical survival and propagation of genes.
- The purpose of physical evolution is to accommodate and serve spiritual evolution
- Spiritual evolution is the accumulation of individuality, self-awareness, and knowledge


All that encourages spiritual evolution is called positive, all that hinders it is called negative
- What causes pain and is self-serving is called “evil,” what is loving and altruistic is called “good”
- Good and evil are subjective and relative, but positive and negative are objective and absolute
- Proper balance between good and evil forces results in positivity
- Too much good leads to stagnation, too much evil leads to total destruction, which is negativity
- Balance is maintained by having both in proper ratio and diametric opposition
- One who fights solely for good or evil is a fool, one who fights strictly for positivity is a noble warrior
- Such a warrior will incorporate the proper balance of good/evil within himself, then seek to restore balance to negative systems


some beings have more freewill than others
- the more consciousness, self-awareness, or spiritual evolution one possesses, the greater one’s freewill
- possession of freewill is useless until it is recognized and applied
- beings with freewill can be coerced into behaving as though they have none knowledge allows these deceived beings to regain the full use of their former freewill
- humans in general are beings with enormous amounts of freewill
- negative alien factions have instated a control system to trick humans into limiting their own freewill
- negative alien factions possess less freewill than humans, thus their reliance upon technology and subtle coercion as a form of spiritual jujitsu to overcome a spiritually greater opponent
- beings with actively applied higher levels of freewill, can override the actions, thoughts, and realities of beings with lower levels of freewill beings with lower freewill, either directly or indirectly serve beings of higher freewill
- physicality allows the violation of freewill between physical beings, the main reason why physical existence is a valuable experience in the path of spiritual evolution


Reality has multiple timelines, dimensions, and planes of existence including physical, astral, and etheric
- Physical reality is generated by a base level consciousness (Logos) whose behaviour is described by the laws of physics
- Logos is the soul of the physical universe, though without independent sentient consciousness, freewill, or creativity
- Logos provides the matter and energy for physical bodies into which independent consciousness (souls) incarnate
- entropy, logic, mathematics, rigidity, substance (instead of form), and linear time are keywords associated with the Logos
- The Logos is not God; it’s merely half of God, the other half being individual consciousness


- The speed of light is how fast finite consciousness propagates through linear space, an arbitrary quantity decided by the Logos.
- All of physical reality from beginning to end, in all its possible manifestations, was instantly created when the Creator projected its unified infinite self into an infinity of differentiated finite selves. Reality exists as a static fractal hologram, encompassing all possible modes of existence and experience. Through this holographic web of possibilities, consciousness chooses which frame of the hologram to experience, giving rise to the illusion of time.
- This choice is restricted by the Logos and opposing freewill of other beings
- The unified field is a scalar phase field, meaning a field where every point has its own value of phase
- Phase measures location along a wave, or the alignment between two waves
- Flows, whirls, and compressions in the scalar field give rise to electricity, magnetism, and gravity by itself, the phase field is amorphous and encompasses all probabilities and quantum wave functions
- Consciousness provides a coherent wave source interacting with the phase field and extracting a chosen slice of the hologram to experience as manifested physical reality
- There are three types of time: linear time, phase time, and spiritual time linear time is our conscious record of events, phase time measures the difference between parallel timelines, and spiritual time measures progress along the axis of spiritual evolution
- Physical reality as we know it moves forward in linear time and is entropic from a linear perspective, individual consciousness originates from the many probable futures and propagates backwards in linear time, negentropically affecting the probability of processes happening in the present
- When individual consciousness is coupled to physical reality, it experiences forward linear time
- When coupled to an astral, etheric, or higher dimensional body, time becomes nonlinear
- When coupled to no body, time becomes nonexistent and the soul unites with its Source


The human body is a biological vehicle whose great genetic diversity allows for the incarnation of a great diversity of souls/spirits
- Human genetics are unique in allowing potentially closer energetic interface with the Creator and the machine code of reality than most other physical life forms in the galaxy
- While physically uniform, mankind is metaphysically diverse
- Origins of souls in human bodies include native human, alien, animal group-souls, or artificial/nonexistent soul
- Aliens genetically engineered different human races by crossing various alien races with each other, crossing them with hominid and Neanderthal genetics already present on earth, and successively tweaking what resulted.


Originate from other planets, dimensions, parallel realities, and times have countless reasons for being here but can be classified into positive, negative, and neutral factions
- Each alien race is composed of a mixed bag of factions of varying intentions
- Reside underground, on the moon and other planets, in space, underwater, and in higher levels of reality
- Have human counterparts, which are these alien souls incarnated in genetically tweaked human bodies
- Negative aliens abduct humans for mind programming purposes, physical and Etheric food, and hybrid breeding experiments
- Main negative groups at present are factions within the Gray and Reptilian races
- Grays primarily use humans as genetic stock to build a new hybrid race for incarnation
- Reptilians want humans as a natural physical and spiritual resource.

New World Order

NWO is a compartmentalized political entity seeking to subjugate humanity under a hostile alien agenda
- The NWO hierarchy is composed from the bottom up of negative factions of law enforcement and military, politicians, bankers, secret societies, aliens, and demonic beings from the lower astral planes
- The current goal is to politically unite humanity into a global nation and then hand over the reigns to alien factions
- This unification will be accomplished by rigged threats to humanity such as terrorism, nuclear war, planetary cataclysms, or alien invasions
- America is the NWO’s biggest threat due to her gun culture and libertarian foundations. The American government is the seat of the NWO.


There is no religion higher than truth
- Most organized religions are control systems to mentally and spiritually enslave humans and deprive them of freewill
- Most religions have alien origins, or else are corrupted by negative alien factions and their human counterparts who seek control over the masses
- Any religion demanding its followers pray or focus on a deity outside themselves is aiding in the transdimensional economy of spiritual energy robbery and consumption by non-physical beings
- Many religions were created specifically by the parent alien race to be followed by their human counterpart race
- Faith should only be used for yet-unknowable, not dogmatically ignored, phenomena
- Church is unnecessary as an aid to spiritual evolution and only acts as a social institution for social programming purposes
- Direct Gnostic communion with one’s inner guidance (God) is more valuable than any religion

Matrix Control System

Manipulates humanity via artificial synchronicity
- A synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence, or something that appears accidental but has a hidden purpose
- Suppresses individuality, awareness, and initiative by amplifying people’s weaknesses and subjecting them to emotionally draining melodramas
- It is a tool used by spiritually atrophied beings to subliminally control spiritually powerful humans
- It is built and maintained by negative hyper dimensional beings who require this energy for survival
- In more general terms, the matrix is the invisible control system around us which manipulates our minds, emotions, and actions without us noticing it
- It uses a variety of human agents to accomplish its job; anyone who lacks a soul or spirit is a prime Matrix agent
- Because they are directed by the Matrix, these agents exhibit coordinated hive-mind behaviour
- The matrix interfaces with the underlying “machine code” of our reality, and can manipulate certain aspects of our timeline to create circumstances that bias our choices
- At its core, the matrix is an etheric, pseudo-conscious machine that crunches data about our habits, emotional patterns, and present behavior in order to synchronistically insert an appropriate event in our life for effective control and the extraction of energy
- Because we are more conscious than the matrix, we can overcome it; it’s a matter of regaining and exercising our freewill through knowledge
- Viewed from the proper perspective, the matrix is merely a training program indirectly helping us discover our weaknesses, strengthen our soul, and act from our spiritual core.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fossil Fuel Consumption and its Implications

EarthTrends Update October 2006:

Fossil Fuel Consumption and its Implications

By Amy Cassara and Thomas Damassa

From small businesses to large economies, the long-term availability of energy worldwide is paramount to growth and development. Energy provides industry with a means to manufacture goods, generates the electricity and heat that we require on a daily basis, allows for the rapid transport of people and products, and enables food production and access to potable water.

The availability of energy in our current global framework relies extensively on the availability of fossil fuels: the oil, natural gas, and coal that together constitute 80 percent of global energy consumption.

Fossil Fuels in 2004

Consumption of fossil fuels varies by region and by country. The biggest consumers are the United States, China, and the European Union, accounting for more than half of all fossil fuel consumption (see above). Coal, which is not easily transported long distances, accounts for a large percentage of consumption where it is locally available, while oil and natural gas can be consumed far from their source of extraction--in 2004, trade in fuels totaled US$715 billion worldwide (World Bank, World Development Indicators 2006).

A Resource With Limits

Fossil fuels are an unsustainable resource; formed from the decay of plants and animals over millions of years, our planet has a finite number of deposits. Fuel reserves are also disproportionately distributed throughout the globe: the United States contains one-quarter of the world's coal reserves, while five countries in the Middle East contain approximately 60 percent of the world's oil. Global markets direct the buying and selling of fossil fuels between countries with ample resources (see below) and those with limited reserves, insufficient technology, or high energy demand. Trade in energy adds a socio-economic dimension to fossil fuels, with implications for energy security and the geopolitical landscape.

Largest Fossil Fuel Reserves

Although estimates of available reserves vary, at current annual rates of production about 155 years of coal, 40 years of oil, and 65 years of natural gas are left, worldwide (BP plc, Statistical Review of World Energy 2006).

The ability for each country to sustain its own energy demands without importing fuel can be measured by a nation's reserves-to-production ratio, which measures the number of years that proved reserves would last at current production rates. The map below shows reserves-to-production ratios for proved reserves of oil.

Global Oil Reserves-to-Production Ratios, 2004

Global Reserves-to-Production Ratio 2004

Global Reserves-to-Production Ratio 2004 Key

Beyond issues of availability, our pervasive use of fossil fuels is having significant environmental effects. The emission of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse" gases from the combustion of these fuels is rapidly warming the planet, altering our climate system, and jeopardizing the well-being of both people and ecosystems. Fossil fuel combustion currently accounts for 61 percent of greenhouse gas emissions (WRI, Navigating the Numbers, 2005).

Changing Course

With a rapidly growing world population and burgeoning economic development across much of the world, issues of energy security and environmental degradation will likely grow increasingly prominent in national agendas. Achieving solutions will not be easy, but enhancing energy security and averting future harms to the environment is possible, and can also be profitable.

To reduce dependence and demand on fossil fuels, governments, businesses, and individuals can:

- Develop fossil fuel energy alternatives,
- Increase energy efficiency, and
- Reduce energy consumption.

Many countries, either by choice or necessity, have already utilized alternative forms of energy as their principal energy source. Fossil fuel alternatives, including hydropower, solar power, and biofuels, each have their own set of social and environmental consequences, both positive and negative (discussions of which are beyond the scope of this summary), but unlike fossil fuels, do provide opportunities for sustainable energy. Increases in energy efficiency can be achieved through both market mechanisms and technological innovations.

Individual actions can make a substantial difference in reducing global energy consumption. For example:

* Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL's)--a little more expensive upfront, but CFL's last longer and use much less energy
* Walking, biking, using public transportation, or car pooling whenever possible
* Moderating heating and cooling--a couple of degrees can make a significant impact on energy consumption
* Turning off lights and electronic equipment when not in use--even in "standby" mode, electronics still consume energy
* Buying high efficiency cars and appliances
* Investing in renewable technologies
* "Greening" your office or company (please see highlighted publications)

Thank you for your continuing support of EarthTrends. Additional information and resources can be found by accessing the links below.